A thought passed on reminding me at the least we all are story
tellers. Every little thought we think of is a little story we build
to to constantly readjust ourselves. Just like a blink, referred from
Malcolm Gladwell's book blink.
As this Micro-storyteller builds our entire life as a cinema while we
live it. The only opportunity perhaps we get is the eternal last few
moments of time of our life when we see ourselves and the entire film
in one go but as a audience.
Having said we are storytellers dosn't that make everything around us
from religion to different gods just a cast of actors in our Brahman
mind of imagination.I happen to like myths and stories of magik.
Someday I want to retell the stories of people around me with some
magikal angle to it. Here's a picture of HanuMan, a story retold.
The science behind dramatically better conversations | Charles Duhigg
The key to deeply connecting with others is about more than just talking —
it's about asking the right kinds of questions, says journalist and author
2 days ago
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