or Uncommon. Most of us would agree how we wish to be different and
connect to other wish to differ.
In today's post modern world of the Common where everything is getting
homoginised. A symptom of our present economic condition none the less
prevalent life style of humanity of 21st century. Hence the generation
of deviants who find undisputed pleasure at getting attracted to
another who has deviated.
Most commonly noticed among backpackers who travel for cheap within a
large group of people belonging to their travelling nation to a
boardroom meeting where two subtle prints of the tie fabric as
momentary exchange of glances of acceptance. There lies my imaginative
nation of Uncommon nation. A space within the face of encroachment of
public space in our society. More and more people realising that they
truly differ from others are becoming more receptive of each other.
Efforts of such amounts upto creating a space which inn time will a
nation within a nation.
Somewhere within this lies our inert nature to be huge mass of
diversity or just to be part of team and yet be ourselves. How much we
decide to differ and where do we draw the lines? When can we say
connecting as a differing with physical appearance and being racist
could be separated in morality? Why do the answer seemed to be lying
in the line in-between the line of Common and Uncommon? Is it just a
mere battle between similar experiences?
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