Wednesday, 25 November 2009

My Tryst with Science

Silently I weep
My Tryst with Science

Beneath a smiling face
Silently I weep
When I put my little boy to sleep
In the scented fragrance of pyretheroids

Beneath a smiling face
Silently I weep
When I feed my little boy
With lethal genes of GM food

Beneath a smiling face
Silently I weep
When I clothe my little boy
With lethal genes of GM cotton

Beneath a smiling face
Silently I weep
When I failed to nurture my boy
The priceless natural air, food or clothing

Beneath a smiling face
Silently I weep
Enshrouded in languishing science
Pushed away miles from nature

Beneath a smiling face
Silently I weep
Tear by tear falling down in vain
Like pearls thrown before swine

Beneath a smiling face
Silently I weep
Hoping for a silver lining
In our tryst with science

- Chitra Narayanasami

(I thank Devindar Sharma from Ground Reality for sharing this poem with us)

Media Artist
Skype: saugatgiri

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Reposted due to internet censorship.

"The Voiceless India
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Governments of free India, one after the other through their acts of omissions and commissions, have divided the Indian society in two segments far apart from each other in lifestyles and economic conditions. About 15 percent population consisting of political leaders and government servants have, through their corrupt practices, amassed 85 percent of the total wealth of India, leaving only 15 percent of it to the balanced 85 percent population of the country. This has been achieved gradually during the last 60 years of free India, and this degenerative process is still going on.

Democracy is said to be forming a government for the people, by the people and of the people, but it is a farce in India due to defective election process and highly defective Constitution of India. Because of concentration of wealth in a few hands, the balanced population is facing problems of survival and votes to a person for minor financial returns for voting. Thus, votes are openly purchased and democracy is openly played with. Thus, 85 percent population of India has no say in formation of governments and hence running of administration of the country. This component of India is thus totally voiceless.

On this basis, a Prime Minister of India for a few days, Ch Charan Singh, used to say that the country has two faces - India and Bharat, the rulers and the ruled, respectively. This makes the country a mockery of democracy. Just see current costs of getting elected to an office -
Village Pradhan (President) INR 200,000 to 500,000
Block Pramukh (President) INR 5,000,000 to 10,000,000
District Chairman INR 20,000,000 to 50,000,000
Member State Legislative Assembly INR 50,000,000 to 100,000,000
Member of Parliament INR 100,000,000 to 500,000,000

So much of money can be spent by a few selective persons only and this all goes for buying votes directly or indirectly, of the voiceless people of India. This is no secret, everybody from a common man to those sitting in the highest offices of India are knowing this and contributing to take this into practice. All political parties gear up themselves, through corrupt practices when in power, for the next election for votes purchase programs. Thus, democracy in India is worse than a capitalism."

as posted by Ram Bansal, the Theosoph
V.- PO. Khandoi, Dist. Buland Shahr, U.P., India
Born in the family of India's Freedom Fighter, I am an Engineer by education and profession, and now diversified to Authorship on a variety of subjects including Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Science and Technology etc. As a result, a dozen books are published in Print Media, and now devoted to online writings throug Blogs and Articles.

The Voiceless India

The Voiceless India

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Sunday, 27 September 2009

What does home mean to you?

“Ajami” is named for the eponymous Jaffa neighborhood where the story unfolds. Written and directed by the Arab-Jewish team of Scandar Copti (a resident of Ajami) and Yaron Shani, “Ajami's” complex storyline reflects a popular narrative style in Israeli literature and film.

"It hits you in the face, Scandar Kopti's and Yaron Sheni's movie “Ajami”‘ bluntly. It's overpowering. And yes, this is where i live. It's about “my” neighbourhood. Of course this is not going to be an objective film review. I know most, no, almost all of the actors, at least by face and some are very good friends. The cast has been trained, but they are not professional actors, just my neighbours, more or less playing themselves, situations they know, reacting naturally as they would have done were the story real. It could have been real." - Yudit of OCCUPIED

Monday, 21 September 2009

अहम नगर : महानगर मानव मग्ज की तरह अयोजित है

विज्ञानं रोजाना के अनुसार Rensselaer पॉलिटेक्निक संस्थान में शोधकर्ताओं ने एक नए अध्ययन से स्थापीत किया की हमारे नगर व्यवस्था, प्राचीन तथा आधुनिक, शायद हमरे मग्ज के कोशिकओं के उद्भेद एक दुसरे के अनुकरण है. तो क्या काशी जैसे नगर की व्यवस्था हमारे मग्ज के बारे में का बताते है?
"ScienceDaily (2009-09-19) -- Cities are organized like brains, and the evolution of cities mirrors the evolution of human and animal brains, according to a new study."

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

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Missing you Dida


I am not myself

until my blood

is infused with you

in all of my veins

I am not myself

until my roots

sink down, shoot

into you, my earthmother,

I am not myself

until I manage

to keep, to carry

your image in my soul

I am not myself

until you cry out

with pleasure, or pain

in my voice

- Trefossa

दुनिया के में हर तरफ यह इल्म कुद्राती है, हम सब मिटटी से है और बस एक दिन मिटटी में मिल जाने के ओर बह चले है.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Aboriginal Youth Group from India Wins Best Doc Award

Loha Garam Hai, won the Best Environmental Film Award from IDPA (Indian Documentary Producers Association) Mumbai, in July this year. Meghnath and Biju Toppo, two founders of Akhra ( An Aboriginal Youth group from Ranchi, India) , directed the film jointly. Loha Garam Hai  (When the Iron Is Hot) tells the story of how people struggle with India's most polluting industry - the sponge iron industry.
When grassroots people make their own media I see glimpses of revolution through information.

"The film opens with live footage of a protest against a sponge iron plant; a local woman is seen raising her voice. Slogans like "We will fight, we will win" "we want food, not iron", "close down the Siddhi Vinayak Company," fill the air. From these protests, the film moves back to trace the history and data on the industry's growth in India. The voice-overs begin with a male voice, alternating with a woman's as the film progresses. Among the protestors too, one finds women are aware, vocal and angry. " -Shoma Chatterji, IndiaTogether

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

A day with Rickshaw pullers!!!

A giant market opportunity for micro credit banking in urban centers of India.


Sent to you by Saugat via Google Reader:


via India Development Blog by Deepti on 9/2/09

One of our MRAP participants has received funding to study how Rickshaw pullers from Delhi manage their money. Last week, I participated in interviewing several groups of Rickshaw pullers.

The study focused on understanding where these pullers migrated from, what kind of life style they lead, how much they make and spend, what kind of items they spend on (such as alcohol, tobacco etc), how many meals they take per day, etc. Most of the Rickshaw pullers I met that day were from Bihar and shared similar stories. On an average day, they made Rs. 200-250, out of which they paid Rs. 50 to the owner, spent Rs. 20 on alcohol and/or tobacco and Rs. 20 on food and the rest they used on paying loans or saved the money. Not surprisingly, none of them had bank accounts. Some of the interesting observations that I made that day were:
  • None of them skipped their meals in order to save for the future.
  • They had a very strong social network, however, only within their village group. Some pullers have been in Delhi for 10 years, yet, they never talked with any other pullers from other places even though they operated in the same neighborhood. They preferred borrowing and lending among these few trusted friends only.
  • Only one had a rental apartment as he had recently got his wife and children to Delhi. The rest of them slept under the bridges or the rickshaw garages, used public toilets, skipped meals if failed to make enough money on any day, and surprisingly, one of them mentioned that he preferred having alcohol than food.

The only way for them to transfer money to their loved ones in their respective villages was through local travelers who came to the city from their villages to collect money from them. Obviously, such money collectors charged for their services. Whenever such people came to the city, these Rickshaw pullers borrowed money from the local moneylenders. One group relied on a manager of a local motel, and the other group relied on an owner of a tea shop. They viewed these moneylenders as saviors and had high regards for them.

It was interesting to understand that in order to send money to their families, these Rickshaw pullers paid interests to two parties - one to the moneylender and the other to the person who came from the village to collect money from them. Most of them realized this problem and expressed their desire to open bank accounts. The following were some other observations:-
  • Most of them knew about smart cards, ATMs
  • One puller even knew that money could be transferred through the internet
  • All of them mentioned that they wanted to open bank accounts. All of them asked how we could help them in opening bank accounts.
It was interesting to find out that all of the Rickshaw pullers I met that day expressed the importance of bank accounts and talked how they could just deposit whatever they save and transfer money to their families without paying anything to the moneylender and the traveler (money collector!). However, none of them knew the procedures to open bank accounts. Alas!!!


Things you can do from here:


Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Freestyling On the Internets.

i talk to you to talk to you~ it is not bad
im not trying to win
nor achieve some enlightened state
this is more natural when all the BS drops way
so to allow that is my grace
it is
naturally occuring phenomena
and when im at "my best"
my life isnt as easy as most outsiders would presume
i have one very conscious conscience
and this world is full of fucked upness
i dont have to look far~ to see the arrogance
and where i can lend a helping hand... isnt africa
its my own temple
its my dad
its my street
its the misconceptions floating in whirlwinds through my friends, which eventually become my responsibility~ or they did..
so i felt
to bring me to this point now
now i just want to retain all i have learned and not utilize it within egos realm
but go the final steps
and im wondering
what is my big lesson this lifetime
what have i not clearly transcended
im close to finding out
when i do itll be my greatest gift
for i will be free
to play as i work
and work as i play
in service of the greater good
and oneness
i want to know what ive missed, theres something aloof...
cuz i know ive never intended to hurt anyone unless it was self defence
so why should i feel all this hurt
call it biased but its my truth
pluto is whispering something .. time for me to listen

- By Jordan Tal,
Male 26, Urbanista, as written in the wee hours of the night over a electronic chat application

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Kamera Kamera

Nicole Jaquis and numerous Sanyasi's have started a movement of their own documenting the interesting times we live in. I was associated as active media mentor with this project.

Friday, 10 July 2009

What would you want Article 31 to be?

60 years and most human rights declaration has stood unmoved cause it is still relevant and far from being universal(?). However our predecessors forgot to mention about few fundamental right like the right to Clean drinking water. Or do we support the right to do whatever the hell I want with no concern for impact. Article 31 is an attempt to update our cherished human rights declaration by the United Nations. Help the vision with signing a petition.

so here's my wish list

मुझे हक है ... ब्रमण करने का?.... साफ़ पानी पिने को? ... बिना रोक के संचार का उपयोग?

क्या मानव अधिकार में सुधार करने पर हमारे आने वाला कल सुखद होगा? वोह मासूम आखें भविष्य में हमें माफ़ करेंगे?

कोसिस जारी रहेगी... जब थक एक आवाज़ हरकत में होगी.
Saugat Datta
Media Artist

Monday, 22 June 2009

Friday, 19 June 2009

Is Iran Twitter Happy or just made up noise?

'Out of the few hundred real twitter users in Iran recently before fake twitters from Tehran showed hundred actively released the news of mass organising. Gaurav of the following blog questions

'Calling the Iran protests a 'Twitter Revolution' is not only distracting but also dangerous because it reduces a legitimate broad-based grassroots movement to what's quickly becoming a cliche, after Moldova.'

The new fuss about how technology driven revolutions become milestones of twitter and social media band wagon is illusionary and sometimes as the above blog mentions overshadows the real ground effort and organizing.

Is it possible that the free form of internet is leaning towards a certain idea of global lifestyle and becoming a propaganda grounds for media analyst and oppurutnist to get attention while the real news gets sidelined?

Saugat Datta
Media Artist
<a href="">Wandering Jogi Flowing Pani</a>

Thursday, 18 June 2009

What is "Development"?

As I stand witness in my wanderings how often the word 'Development' is being used in every academic arguments around cafe tables, between frustration to wait in front of a machine to a world map based on development. Everyone seems to agree we need development like we need as one blog states.

'Lant Prichett gives a pretty precise
definition of development as rapid "modernization" giving examples of the West's development in the 19th century, Japan's Meiji Restoration and Korea's modernization in the 60's.'

What value does the word carry in our lives today? An attempt is made by reaction article by Najim in India Development blog through a social experiment through answering three questions

1. What is my definition of development? (3 lines)

When change occurs by confluence rather than conflict, development is the measure of that change.

2. One word definition for development?


3. If country X (any developing country you can relate to) is said to have achieved development Y years from now, what features of the country constitute your definition of a developed country?

Human culture, Self Governance, Food security, Carbon offset, Water security,

Saugat Datta
Media Artist
<a href="">Wandering Jogi Flowing Pani</a>

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

A SpiritBear 'Masala' ... Rare White Bear.

Negative impact of sudden popularity. Rare white bear amid black bears popularly known as the spirit bear has create uncontrolled bear watching endangering the bears themselves in Princess Long Island, B.C. Local Git-ga'at people of the island traditionally give Masala, "the white bear," comparatively high status, also called Kermode Bear after 20th century  naturalist from BC Francis Kermode. 
Travelwatch produced by National Geprgraphic says
"scores of cruise tourists prowling the inlets in day boats and Zodiacs, seeking a glimpse of a spirit bear and disturbing stream valleys and sacred Git-ga'at sites. Many of the Git-ga'at live in Hartley Bay, closest mainland village to the new conservancy. "We want to make sure tourism development is respectful of our own traditions and of the bear itself," says Art Sterritt, a Git-ga'at elder. He helped draft the conservancy agreement. Hartley Bay does want tourism; the community is building a cultural center and feast hall, and has already welcomed a number of "pocket" cruise boats, liners with fewer than 250 passengers."

Princess Long Island has in recent years acquired great popularity due to 'spirit bear' which otherwise as the article continues is best described as raw wilderness of B.C.

"to visit Princess Royal Island. During one four-day stay, you can watch salmon thrash in streams of amber water; duck for cover as black bears (yes, black ones) plunge in to fish for those same salmon; marvel at humpback whales dancing in Grenville Channel or a family of river otters gamboling along the shore; and admire the mile-high granite faces uncloaked as afternoon sun burns off the morning mist. You can go through rolls of film at a haul-out rock where Steller's sea lions carouse; with a rod, you can cast fuchsia flies to catch crimson-splashed cutthroat trout. You may never see a spirit bear, but you'll find something far more significant: spirit of place. If the forests and waters are kept from harm, thousands of visitors can experience that in the future."

Saugat Datta
Media Artist
<a href="">Wandering Jogi Flowing Pani</a>

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Looking for a new Home.

The wandering brotherhood of Saugat Datta, Omar Shaikh, Sam and Ben Cooper are looking for a new house to live and work from. 5 or 6 bedrooms ideally located in East Van or West Burnaby for Aug/Sept.  We are bunch of media artist who live, share, work and play together. In the coming couple of months we need to find a new home. Little word about us Saugat is crazy food junkie, and media wallah, Omar Shaikh ( yes he is the youger sibling of Adham Shaikh) works in the tourism industry and fixes his motercycle obcession and The Cooper Bros- Ben is a media guru and bad jokes manufacturing mafia and Sam is our beloved happy buddha, coder and genius mad scientist.  Please spread the word and, of course, the love ;)

Saugat Datta
Media Artist
<a href="">Wandering Jogi Flowing Pani</a>

Monday, 18 May 2009

Profit works better than Charity.

A very useful project Called Bushproof... a bunch of strong willed individuals have created products for the bottom of the pyramid marketing techniques it is a WinWin situation. Might be of a interest to many who are working on grassroots level for development.

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Donations of used underwear to African women - Would you support this?

Reminds me of my roommates who concerned about their guilt stuff the fridge with half a fruit or take out leftovers. They felt they were doing the right thing except in practical universe it was forgotten by all parties and results in science projects on moulds.

Are this enlightened women trying to take weekend clothing swap to next level? Or do women in africa need used underwear more than education or rights of their own?

Friday, 15 May 2009

The Art of Action (Karma)

"We must be active and energetic. When our thoughts, speech and action work together in harmony, it brings success automatically. That is the art of action"

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

I thought you should see this story

> Irish student hoaxes world's media with fake quote

Voting in the Province of BC -a poster mix.

People of Canada living in the province of British Columbia enjoyed their freedom to choose their representative through voting today. It was a unique occasion as people of the province were not only voting for their favored candidate but also for a referendum to change their voting system to a single transferable voting system or STV-BC as the campaigners are calling it in multi media platform from street campaign to web . The joy of liberty and bright faces of the future could be scene taking their time off their busy life to vote and ensure a good conscious life.

From a 21st century democratic citizen it was a very interesting marketing mix. Most of the campaign around from billboards to lawn signs were all done in a organised professional approach from major parties and their PR agencies. In between BC-STV campaign team of PR agencies had to promote their message which also had all the touch of a organised creative team. End result in an Urban scenario like Vancouver is confusion of message for an average citizen even though using most forms of mediums from electronic or print.

As one can notice everything is in bright primary colors, very bold typefaces or fonts used it almost gives the appearance of a certain unified unwritten design guidelines for political posters. If you notice the amount of content is minimal, my guess the target audience is a moving one like driving or preoccupied. The similarity between a product placement with a marketing mix and a political campaign is unavoidable.

In a haste to capture the attention span of a modern democratic being the media designers forgot to separate issues like candidate campaign with voting mechanism in their promotions. Many citizens where surprised that BC-STV wasn't a political party on their candidate list while few were surprised at the listing of Sex Party in the ballot. 

Moral of the story is people are busy and getting their attention for even the most important issue for them is hard. Mixing messages of social importance and make the campaign look like Realtors Ads or Soap Box Ads lead to misinformation. As one young BC resident expressed his disappointment that he would not have voted against STV if he knew STV was not a electronic voting system like campaign posters made it look like.

Hopefully for the citizens of BC hope STV would be accepted by the majority of the people and does not get crushed just cause of one misinformed vote.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

The Church as a foundation hidden in Modern Science.

The charkha and the naturalist 
Not only is the division between an outer world of 'things out there' and an inner world of 'thoughts and feelings' a false distinction rooted in a particular historical trajectory, it is also pernicious, writes Rajesh Kasturirangan.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

About Me

Now I won't sing 
the tunes of sadness,
Because I've sung enough 
of my part.
The soundless sound is 
yearning around now,
and the song of eternal love is
flowing from my heart to the world.

Now I won't paint 
the colours of somberness,
Because I've brushed enough
of my part.
the colours of emotions are
changing the aura outside and
I can see them around
me, my love and all thy' creations.

The search of my life is fullfilled, 
& wisdom of mankind is revealed.
While travelling the time 
through ages,
I had him besides me always.
No one can separate me from my past...
neither present nor the future,
neither me nor you,
As I've realized
we are bound to meet 
in every incarnation,
whether you it want or not,
whether I want it or not,
because we are Soulmates.

lakshi, 29/04/09

Friday, 24 April 2009

those particals of universe.

Have u ever noticed-
how dust of life swifts down from ur hand,
how a cloud of imagination diminishes in a second,
how water of trust flows down from ur palm,
how silently a heart cries over ignorance,
how the road beneath ur feet bifurcates,
how we change our destiny....
destiny of good into not so good times
and vice-versa,
how love feels when it has to wait for ages,
and when that age comes
how we dont understand for whom this love is...
We humans have become those particals of universe
who dont know even their own orbits.
written by a friend I don't know

Tuesday, 24 March 2009


May Heaven keep the grandeur of Benaras
Arbour of this meadow of joy;
For oft returning souls -their journey's end.
In this weary Temple land of the world,
Safe from the whirlwind of Time,
Benaras is forever Spring.

Where autumn turns into the touch of sandal
On fair foreheads,
Spring tide wears the sacred thread of flower waves,
And the splash of twilight is the crimson mark
of Kashi's dust on heaven's brow.
The Kaaba of Hind;
This conch blowers dell;
Its icons and idols are made of the Light,
That once flashed on Mount Sinai.
These radiant idolations naids,
Set the pious Brahmins afire, when their faces glow
Like moving lamps..on the Ganges banks.

Morning and Moonrise,
My lady Kashi,
Picks up the Ganga mirror
To see her gracious beauty,
Glimmer and shine.
Said I one night to a pristine seer
(who knew the secrets of whirling time)
'Sir, you will perceive
That goodness and faith, fidelity and love
Have all departed from the sorry land.
Father and son are at each other's throat;
Brother fights brother.
Unity and federation are undermined.
Despite these ominous signs
Why has doomsday not come?
Why does the Last trumpet not sound?
Who holds the reigns of the final catastrophe?'
The hoary old man of lucent ken
Pointed towards Kashi and gently smiled.
'The Architect', he said, is fond of this edifice
Because of which there is colour in life.
He would not like it to perish and fall.'
Hearing this, the pride of Benaras soared to an eminence, untouched by the
wings of thought.
(From Pawan Varma's Ghalib: The Man And His Times)

Media Artist

Tuesday, 17 March 2009


Walking around my neighbourhood I came across this fence of a house.
First by the texture and then through the waist height window I could
peep in. The lawn was like a miniature playground with toys, tricycle
and a small bench.
In this world where we are racing to raise our walls higher than the
other here was a wall which was becoming transparent inside out. The
child inside or the pet inside that lawn could also see outside. New

Monday, 16 March 2009

Sailing into a Reality.

" if someone dreams alone it is just a dream but a dream shared together, it is a start of a new reality"

The sun rises alongside the west shore of Kootenay Lake where the crews of the four boats spent the first evening of the 2.5-day journey.

Four sailboats started sailing from Nelson along the Kootenay lake, British Columbia. A popular pastime in Nelson but on March the 5th 2009 it became a lot more than just another sail trip to sailor David Oosthuizen and his crew. David and few other sailors volunteered to transport grains from Creston to Nelson for the members the local Grain CSA using sailboats. This maiden voyage intended to reduce dependency of local food on fossil fuels was documented on board by radio host, journalist and fellow food lover Jon Steinman from Deconstructing Dinner for full story in Audio.

Jon Steinman (right) records the journey on board the boat of David Oosthuizen.

Grain CSA is an experiment started when Matt Lowe of West Kootenay Ecosociety during a Local Food challenge for a month realized there wasn't any grain grown locally. Following the model of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) an experiment was launched to create a local grain market in the middle of the mountains of BC.

Matt teamed up with Brenda Bruns from Wildsight, Creston and gathered number of farmers, processors, bakers and eaters, to see if it was possible. Creston area farmers commit to growing five types of grain and 200 member shares issued between the residents of Nelson and Creston each of 80 pounds value for the first year.

Next came the idea of making the process less dependent on fossil fuel and in came the local Kootenays sailing club members to transport the grain from the nearest harbour from Creston farms. The team along with Jon on board sail away into 56 hour journey to get grains for their community. Their confidence had a fragrance of flowers yet to bloom. Their journey was a journey into the past due to absence of power engines yet not guided by the stars or mercy of nature. The team kept in touch with mobile phones, computers and used GPS for navigation. Many lessons were learnt along the way when grain bags while loading almost went down to the depths of Kootenay lake.

Bags of grain at Kuskanook harbour and Farmer Drew Gailius standing at Kuskanook harbour alongside grain grown at Full Circle Farm.

Result was way more than expected their were proud local farmers with their produce alongside excited community members eager to participate. People all around the world are looking for freshest, tastiest and most nutritious product available. As one of the farmers involved in the project put to words we all are looking for clear evidence of value they can connect with.

A chain of enthusiastic volunteers help unload grain from the sailboats docked in Nelson.

Matt Lowe carries grain from the dock in Nelson.

Photo Source: Deconstructing Dinner.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Young Looks Back

The month of March has always been special apart from celebrating my
birthdays inside an exam room or yearly festival I am always
surrounded by spring. Vancouver this year has a bit of winter left.
While looking into whatever I can gather of my last three decades I
have lost quite a bit of childish wisdom and yet retained my dreams. A
sudden connection between a moment of clarity in the past to a moment
in the present. Two rare occasions yet same in the sense of vastness
called life. I recently had an opportunity of a similar journey.
In our imperfection lies the key to our eternal connections.

Monday, 9 February 2009

We, the People of Video Republic.

Having complete a report review for Samas Media I have realised the impact and the permanent stay of a space digitally created. I would love to hear your feedback on this. 

To read the article We, the People of Video Republic.

"I realised I am not western at all, I am not eastern at all. I am something in  between, a mixture. I'm a foreigner in Asia, I'm a foreigner in Europe. I'm  at home here. I have my own values." - Film maker, Istanbul.

Friday, 6 February 2009

To mind when Voting.

The interval between the 15th and the 16th general elections, let us
promote bipartisanship in foreign policy, encourage talented
professionals to enter government, restore the integrity of
Parliament, send old politicians into a dignified retirement, and add,
to the right to vote, the right not to vote as well. By Ramachandra
Guha 2009